Your generosity has the power to create a meaningful impact at the Dhamma Centre. By contributing, you aid us in offering classes, resources, and support systems aimed at enhancing mental well-being and cultivating mindfulness through the lens of Buddhist wisdom.

Become a monthly supporter of the Dhamma Centre and help us create a more sustainable future. By setting up a monthly direct debit, you'll provide us with a steady stream of funding that allows us to plan and execute our programs more effectively. Your consistent support will help us to reach more people and have a greater impact in our community. Plus, the convenience of a monthly direct debit allows you to make a difference without the need to remember to donate every time. Thank you for considering this sustainable way of supporting us.

A/C Name: Dhamma Center
Sort Code: 40-18-04
A/C No: 72704420
Bank Name: HSBC Bank

Gift Aid

If you're in the UK and donated to our Dhamma Centre, please fill out the Gift Aid form. This lets us get extra funds from the government without cost to you. Your support helps maintain our Center and offer mindfulness programs.

Monthly Direct Debits