Our Classes


We run classes on Buddhist learning and Meditation including Vipassana through the week. Sign up to our newsletter to receive news and updates on all our forthcoming sessions and events.


If you’re a new to Buddhism, Meditation or Mindfulness. You could sign up to one of our sessions that have been designed equip beginners with the necessary tools to get started.


Not a beginner, yet not entirely proficient in subjects concerning Buddhism and Meditation? Then do take a look at these weekly classes that may suite you as an intermediate level learner.


Explore the core teachings of the Buddha with regards to the Abhidhamma and Suttas that contain some of the Buddha’s more complex reflections. these sessions would require a sound understanding of Dhamma and a daily commitment to Vipassana practice.

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch by sending us an email and we will help you decide on where you could start!